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Contents of the Mind Deck Cards

Like the Body deck, the Mind deck is designed to work on resolving toxins, stagnancy and chaotic energy from the body as well as purifying, stabilizing and enhancing those areas. The Mind Deck's goal is to clear away emotional and mental build-up within the body preventing such stagnant energy to form into obstructions that cause illnesses and chronic conditions down the road. When working with the Mind Deck cards, one could liken it to getting a massage energetically or feeling similar effects from an acupressure, acupuncture or Reiki attunement within the body. The cards work to refresh you and replenish your energy overall as well as assist in opening psychic/energetic channels within your body. They also work with helping to stabilize and develop one's mind further.


Below are the list of Healing Code Cards found in the Mind Deck as well as their contents to eliminate debris/toxins in the emotional and mental bodies:


NOTE: All cards contain healing codes to eliminate all extreme low frequencies, electromagnetic frequencies and all other forms of dirty/harmful electricity through any and all devices and within your own body as well.


  • Root Chakra Releaser:

    • Releases stagnant emotional & mental energy​ purging it from the body replacing it with pure vitality energy harmonizing the chakra.

  • Navel Chakra Releaser

    • Releases stagnant emotional & mental energy​ purging it from the body replacing it with pure vitality energy harmonizing the chakra.​

  • Solar Plexus Chakra Releaser

    • Releases stagnant emotional & mental energy​ purging it from the body replacing it with pure vitality energy harmonizing the chakra.​

  • Heart Chakra Releaser

    • Releases stagnant emotional & mental energy​ purging it from the body replacing it with pure vitality energy harmonizing the chakra.​

  • Throat Chakra Releaser

    • Releases stagnant emotional & mental energy​ purging it from the body replacing it with pure vitality energy harmonizing the chakra.​

  • Third Eye Chakra Releaser

    • Releases stagnant emotional & mental energy​ purging it from the body replacing it with pure vitality energy harmonizing the chakra.​

  • Crown Chakra Releaser

    • Releases stagnant emotional & mental energy​ purging it from the body replacing it with pure vitality energy harmonizing the chakra.​

  • Brain Emotional Releaser

    • Releases chaotic, stagnant energy emotionally and mentally from the brain improving brain functioning and overall health while integrating vitality energy into all areas of the organ.​

  • Sensory Emotional Releaser

    • Releases chaotic, stagnant energy emotionally and mentally from the all senses of the body:

      • Eyes

      • Nose

      • Mouth and Tongue

      • Teeth and Gums

      • Ears

      • Skin

      • Hands and Fingers

      • Feet and Toes

    • Integrates vitality energy into all areas of the senses.

  • Spine Emotional Releaser

    • Releases chaotic, stagnant energy emotionally and mentally from the spine improving spine functioning and overall health while integrating vitality energy into all areas of the spine.​​

  • Thyroid Emotional Releaser

    • Releases chaotic, stagnant energy emotionally and mentally from the thyroid gland improving thyroid functioning and overall health while integrating vitality energy into all areas of the thyroid.​​

  • Heart Emotional Releaser

    • Releases chaotic, stagnant energy emotionally and mentally from the heart improving heart functioning and overall health while integrating vitality energy into all areas of the heart.​​​

  • Lungs Emotional Releaser

    • Releases chaotic, stagnant energy emotionally and mentally from the lungs improving lungs functioning and overall health while integrating vitality energy into all areas of the lungs.​​​​

  • Liver Emotional Releaser

    • Releases chaotic, stagnant energy emotionally and mentally from the liver improving liver functioning and overall health while integrating vitality energy into all areas of the liver.​​​​

  • Stomach Emotional Releaser

    • Releases chaotic, stagnant energy emotionally and mentally from the stomach improving stomach functioning and overall health while integrating vitality energy into all areas of the stomach.​​​​

  • Pancreas Emotional Releaser

    • Releases chaotic, stagnant energy emotionally and mentally from the pancreas improving pancreas functioning and overall health while integrating vitality energy into all areas of the pancreas.​​​​

  • Kidney Emotional Releaser

    • Releases chaotic, stagnant energy emotionally and mentally from the kidneys improving kidney functioning and overall health while integrating vitality energy into all areas of the kidneys.​​​​

  • Intestinal Emotional Releaser

    • Releases chaotic, stagnant energy emotionally and mentally from the small and large intestines improving intestinal functioning and overall health while integrating vitality energy into all areas of the intestine.​​​​

  • Reproductive Emotional Releaser

    • Releases chaotic, stagnant energy emotionally and mentally from the reproductive system improving reproductive functioning and overall health while integrating vitality energy into all areas of the reproductive system for both men and women.​​​​

  • Cellular Emotional Releaser

    • Releases chaotic, stagnant energy emotionally and mentally from the body's cells improving cellular functioning and overall health while integrating vitality energy into all areas of the cellular body.​​​​

  • Body System Emotional Releaser

    • Releases chaotic, stagnant energy emotionally and mentally from the systems of the body including:

    • Circulatory system / Cardiovascular system

    • Digestive system and Excretory system

    • Endocrine system

    • Integumentary system / Exocrine system

    • Immune system and lymphatic system

    • Muscular system

    • Nervous system

    • Renal system and Urinary system

    • Reproductive system

    • Respiratory system

    • Skeletal System

    • Integrates vitality energy into all areas of the systems of the body.

  • Aura Releaser

    • Eliminates and releases stagnant, negatively-oriented thought forms, emotional entanglements, astral implants, psychic attacks, intrusions, and stagnant flow of life force energy. Balances and purifies vitality energy within the aura as well.​

  • Addiction Purifier

    • Assists in the detoxification and overall clearing of harmful mental/emotional addictions such as:

      • ​Smoking

      • Drug use

      • Alcohol

      • Sexuality

      • Violence

      • Hostility

      • Addictive Eating

      • Depression

      • Panic and Anxiety

  • Entity Attachment Purifier

    • Eliminates all disharmonious forms of attachments upon the body and mind, including:

      • Entity attachments​

      • Curses and hexes

      • Malicious thought forms

      • Personal sabotaging traumas, regrets and emotions

      • Astral/etheric technology

      • Karmic sabotage

      • Spellcasting

      • Evil spirits

      • Peripheral attachments from other living people bonded to the subject

      • Past life entity attachments or possession

  • Spirit Light Purifier 

    • Eliminates and neutralizes all emotional/mental blockages within the body using Spirit Light. The Spirit Light Purifier cleanses:​

      • All Nadis of the body

      • All Qi meridian lines of the body

      • All acupoints of the body

      • All chakras of the body

      • The body’s vitality field

      • The body’s astral field

      • The body’s mental field

      • The body’s etheric field

  • Lucid Dream Stabilizer

    • Stabilizes and enhances the brain's:​

      • Melatonin

      • Seratonin

      • Clears neurons and neuropathways

      • Increases dream recall (memory)​

    • Encourages experiences of vivid and lucid dreaming

    • Balances and purifies the astral dream body encouraging higher dreaming state levels.

  • Focus Stabilizer

    • Balances and stabilizes the brain hemispheres providing brain hemispheric synchronization.​

    • Aids in silencing distracting thoughts and impulses to fully obtain mental focus and concentration.

    • Stabilizing brain waves: Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta and Gamma.

  • Psychic Sense Enhancer

    • Strengthening, opening and enhancing:​

      • Clairvoyance

      • Clairaudience

      • Clairsentience

      • Claircognisance

      • Clairtaste

      • Clairsmell

    • Empowering extra sensory perception overall.​

  • Manifestation Enhancer

    • ​The Manifestation Enhancer works differently from the other cards as its purpose is to function only as a charging Spirit container for your intended manifestation. Through the Manifestation Enhancer, you can communicate your manifestation to it by gazing at its center sending your thought or intention spoken aloud and then holding your gaze for 60 seconds. Optionally, You can write your intention down on a small piece of paper, communicate it to the card by thought or speaking aloud and placing the card down face-up with the piece of paper placed at its center. You can leave it upon the card for 60 seconds or longer. Once you have completed the manifestation through the card, instruct the Manifestation Enhancer either by thought or spoken word to clear your previous manifestation so that you can use it again for a new manifestation.

  • Love Energy Enhancer

    • Dissolving negatively-oriented energies anywhere in the body and substituting with pure love energy from Spirit.​

    • Amplifying the physical, mental and emotional bodies with enhanced love energy.

  • Mental Energy Enhancer

    • Dissolving, neutralizing and purging negatively-oriented thought forms and mental blocks within the mental body.​

    • Reinforcing positively-oriented Spirit energy providing full clarity to the mental body. 

  • Youth Body Enhancer

    • Imbuing youthful healing codes directly into the cells of the physical body radiating the healing codes throughout the entire body.​

    • Positive reinforcement for youthful mentality and behavior

  • Grounding Enhancer

    • Embodying the 7.83 HZ Earth frequency magnified by a factor of 10 radiating pure Earth energy into the body, and grounding the physical body into the Earth's magnetic field.​

  • 5X Amplifier

  • 10X Amplifier

  • 20X Amplifier

    • All amplifier cards work with one card at a time placed directly behind the intended card to amplify its strength by a factor of 5, 10 or 20.​



© 2022. New Earth Teachings. Healing Code Cards is a subsidiary of New Earth Teachings.

Note: Healing Code Cards are not a replacement for your physician or health practitioner. It is not a medicine, but a spiritual healing technology.

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